New resource launches to aid record keeping

Post date: 30/03/2021 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 30/03/2021

Good medical records are essential for the continuity of patient care and play a vital role in handling complaints and defending clinical negligence claims. Most medicolegal cases focus at some level on the availability of comprehensive medical records, so detail and accuracy are key in ensuring any future cases are defendable.

Founded by Medical Protection member Dr Paul Ryan, is a website providing free resources to help GPs keep an accurate and concise record of each patient consultation.

Dr Ryan said: “When I started working as a pharmacist 15 years ago, I was asked by GPs and registrars to give them some tips and tricks to make prescribing easier and safer. A lot of the notes I originally developed were short summaries of UK guidelines. Over time, this collection of notes and documents has evolved into a full website with resources such as examination templates, relevant red flags to look out for, and treatment plans for everyday conditions seen in general practice.

“Feedback from GPs who use the site has been overwhelmingly positive, as the templates and treatment plans can save them up to three minutes per consultation. There is also a great sense of comradery and a willingness from users to share information and best practice. GPs and GP trainees who register will be joining a community who want to improve patient care by making the working lives of their peers easier and safer.”

The database includes a range of specialist categories, each containing resources and templates that can be downloaded into the GP’s current patient management software system. is a free resource available to all members of Medical Protection. Visit the website to sign up.

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