New GMC revalidation assessment

Post date: 28/10/2015 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

The GMC is introducing a new revalidation assessment next year for doctors based overseas and those not currently undertaking medical practice to support their revalidation.

It will apply to doctors who have a licence to practise in the UK, but don’t have a connection to a responsible officer, or suitable person who can make a recommendation about their fitness to practise.

The vast majority of doctors who fall into this category are either based overseas and not practising in the UK, or are in the UK, but not undertaking medical practice of any description. However, like every licensed doctor, they must demonstrate that they are having an annual appraisal and engaging in local processes which support revalidation.

What the assessment will involve

The assessment will be a written, multiple choice, knowledge test which will take place from in the GMC’s Manchester office. There will be 12 different tests focused on different specialties and doctors will be invited to book an assessment most relevant to them. 

The assessment is designed to test a doctor’s ability to apply their current knowledge to the care of patients in the UK. The assessment will cost £1,100 and from next year these doctors will also have to start paying £250 to submit their annual return to the GMC for review. These figures were approved by the GMC’s Council in September and cover the cost of running the assessment and processing annual returns.

Outcome of the assessment

For those who take this assessment, the GMC won’t base its decision on a doctor’s revalidation on this alone. It will be used as an additional piece of evidence (along with other information supplied by the doctor) to help them make a decision as to whether the doctor remains up to date, fit to practise and should be revalidated.

If a doctor’s score in the assessment is below the required standard, we may ask for more information to allow us to make a decision about their revalidation.

Alternative options for these doctors

If a doctor does not have a professional need to hold a licence to practise (because they are no longer practising in the UK or they are working overseas, for example), they can relinquish their licence but still remain registered if they want to.

Being registered without a licence means doctors can continue to demonstrate that their medical qualifications have been recognised by the GMC and that they remain in good standing but they will not be able to practise in the UK.  

Doctors can simply and easily restore their licence if they wish to start practising in the UK again.

Further information

You can read further information about the assessment on the GMC’s website

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