MPS ranked in the top 10 in the UK for customer service by ICMI

Post date: 10/11/2016 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

MPS’s commitment to providing world class service to members is recognised for a second year by the ICMI awards for excellence in customer service. 

Several hundred of the UK’s most well-known brands and organisations have recently taken part in the ICMI Top 50 Companies for Customer Service awards. This industry-leading event is set up by the International Customer Management Institute to help contact and service centres measure themselves on what customers feel a great customer service should be. It is the only bench-marking service that uses real customers to rate service. In our case that means we were rated by members.

 “Of the hundreds of companies that have taken part, we’re delighted to have been ranked in the top 10” says Peter Rowbottom, Director of Member Operations. “As a member-owned organisation, we put delivering the best possible service to members at the heart of everything we do.”

“Our members have busy, demanding careers so we aim to provide a high quality and efficient service to allow them to get on doing what they do best – caring for patients.”

“I’m really proud of everyone at MPS and delighted that once again, we are recognised as one of the best organisations for customer service in a very competitive market.”

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