MPS Member Operations team in the Top 10 for customer service

Post date: 02/11/2016 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

The Member Operations team has been recognised as one of the top 10 companies in the UK for customer service by The International Customer Management Institute.
MPS, the world’s leading provider of protection for doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals has been ranked number eight in the UK for customer service. This is the second year in a row that MPS has featured in the Top 50 Companies for Customer Service.

The annual award is seen as the most prestigious customer service bench-marking programme in the UK, with several hundred of the most well-known brands taking part.

Peter Rowbottom, Director of Member Operations at MPS said:

“MPS always strives to deliver a world class service to our members and this award is recognition of the fact we serve our members well.

“We have continued to build on the success of last year and made sure that not only have we achieved the standards we set, but surpassed them as well. Our aim is to deliver great customer service to our members not just this year, but long in to the future.

“I’m really proud of the team and delighted that once again, we’ve been recognised as one of the best organisations for customer service in a very competitive market.”

For more information, images or to arrange an interview with Peter Rowbottom, please contact Rajiv Pattni, Press Officer at MPS on +44 (0)207 399 1439 or email [email protected]

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