Medical Protection offers tailored membership and indemnity savings for newly qualified GPs

Post date: 08/06/2017 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

A tailored package of advice and support means newly qualified GPs can get more protection from the outset of their careers, the Medical Protection Society has announced today.

Benefits ranging from risk education, medicolegal advice and clinical CPD updates are on offer, as well as access to online locum tools to help new GPs who are thinking of taking on freelance work.

The special membership package also means new GPs could save thousands onthe costs of indemnity with up to 30% discount on subscription rates for at least two years after they qualify.

Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at Medical Protection said:

“We know that GPs value reassurance and peace of mind but the rising cost of indemnity worries them. Our newly qualified GP membership is competitively priced to help those starting out in general practice and means we can step in quickly to provide robust support when needed – not only in the event a negligence claim or complaint but also with GMC, disciplinary and other matters.

More than that though, we can help newly qualified GPs think about protection as well as defence. This means giving them every opportunity to understand the potential risks they face and helping them guard against these so they are actively protected.

Although GPs are sadly more likely than ever before to be sued – on average probably twice in their career – our combination of expert advice, education and support helps them stay in control and make this less likely to happen.”

For more information about newly qualified GP membership with Medical Protection visit our Junior Doctors benefits and renewal page.

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