Evidence to the Professor Sir Norman Williams Review

Post date: 13/03/2018 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 01/04/2019

The Department of Health & Social Care recently launched a review in to the application of Gross Negligence manslaughter charges in healthcare settings. The review is being headed by Professor Sir Norman Williams. 

This is such an important review for the medical profession, and also for patients and the whole NHS.

We have an unparalleled wealth of experience in supporting doctors faced with Gross Negligence manslaughter (GNM) charges.  These cases are always a tragedy, as at the centre of each is a family mourning the loss of a loved one. However, the effect such investigations and charges have on the healthcare professionals involved cannot be over emphasised, and now we believe the time has come for a multi-dimensional approach to tackle what is a growing concern – the criminalisation of doctors and the threat posed to an open, learning culture in healthcare.

In our submission to the review, we set out:

  • Proposals to reform the law on Gross Negligence manslaughter in a healthcare setting, and move  English law towards  the Scottish position on culpable homicide

  • Proposals to reform the investigatory approach to healthcare professionals accused of Gross Negligence manslaughter

  • Measures to support a more open, transparent and learning environment in healthcare

  • Steps that should be taken to address the widespread concerns about the GMCs handling of such cases.

Access the full MPS submission to this review by click here to download the PDF.

Further information

For further information, please contact Thomas Reynolds, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at MPS on 0207 399 1314 or [email protected]

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