Discover your route to the UK with ‘IMG Shortcut’

Post date: 10/08/2022 | Time to read article: 3 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 24/02/2023

If you’re thinking about becoming a UK doctor, it can be hard to know where to start. Dr Kimberley Tan explains how a free course from The Savvy IMG can help you decide on your next steps. 

If you’re aiming to enter UK specialist training and want to achieve this within two years, then the IMG Shortcut could be for you. As an IMG who succeeded in entering a competitive surgical specialty in London, I created this course with my partner at The Savvy IMG, Dr Nicholas Tan, and we’re confident it will set you on the right path to success. Here’s a little more about it.

What is the IMG shortcut?

A free online course containing all the essential information you need to know about applying to UK specialty training as an IMG in an easy-to-understand video format.

We’ve cut out all the fluff and condensed our best tips and advice into 16 high yield lessons.

In just one hour, you will learn the best pathway for you to enter UK specialty training, and how to achieve that goal in only 2 years.

Who is the IMG Shortcut for?

All international medical graduates who aspire to complete postgraduate specialist training or “residency” in the UK. The guidance in the IMG Shortcut is applicable to all clinical specialties!

Why should you enrol in the IMG Shortcut?

If you want a clear explanation of the steps you need to take, and you’re looking for motivation to get started on this journey, I invite you to enrol in the IMG Shortcut. We’ve done our best to give you a transparent plan that you can start implementing today.

What will you learn from the IMG Shortcut?

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

•  Assess your own situation and select the most appropriate training pathway for your personal background.

•  List the requirements you need to fulfil to gain GMC registration and apply for UK specialist training in your target specialty depending on your individual circumstances.

•  Plot your own timeline so you can enter UK postgraduate training in 2 years.


What’s included?

We focus on the key topics that will help you formulate a 2-year plan to a training job in the UK:

•   Overview of UK Training
   CCT vs CESR-CP pathway
•   GMC registration
   Your first job in the UK
•   How to assess the competition
   Eligibility requirements for training
•   Application scoring: portfolio, MSRA & interview
•   Sample 2-year timeline


Visit The Savvy IMG website too see how this free one-hour video course can help you understand the best pathway for you to enter UK specialty training, and how to achieve that goal in only two years.

What are people saying about the IMG Shortcut?

I really enjoyed the Shortcut lessons. It was very informative. I had been searching for a detailed explanation for a while and when I didn't find one, it made me think the process was very hard and impossible.

But listening to your course really helped me as it explained the process properly and as a medical student, I will be able to plan properly for it. So, thank you very much for that. Thank you.
- Dr O

I have watched the IMG shortcut, and it was amazing and really motivating! - Dr SA

Hi, the IMG shortcut is really helpful and informative. Thank you so much for this. I really don’t know anything about the process in UK. This helped me plan wisely and ahead of time. - Dr SV

I'm very grateful for the IMG Shortcut Course. I have gone through it and I can confirm that it's been a great help.

I sincerely wish I had seen it much earlier in my career. - Dr EO

Hi guys, I watched all of [the videos], it was very helpful, thank you. I learned everything I didn't know. It was a very useful course. - Dr OS

Thank you for the amazing overview for IMGs like me. The videos are very helpful and has the answers to what people mostly search for. Your time and efforts to help are greatly appreciated. - Dr TS

It was really enlightening! I learnt a lot of new things and realised it's doable if I have everything planned out early.

Thank you to The Savvy IMG team!! - Dr PG

I just finished the IMG shortcut and found it really helpful. It cleared many of my confusions. I want to thank you for all the guidance and all the efforts you have put in it. - Dr S

About the author

Dr Kimberley Tan is from The Savvy IMG, an online resource for IMGs, written by IMGs. The website now offers 80+ free guides, two online courses with more to come, and an IMG coaching service. Visit for more information.



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