MPS is the world’s leading protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals.
The risk of a claim and the cost of clinical negligence is one of the main reasons for joining MPS. As a mutual not-for-profit organisation that puts members first, MPS is now offering UK consultant members with private practice in certain specialties a choice in how you pay for your protection.
As a member, you can choose between MPS occurrence-based protection (Option 1), which is currently the choice of most members, and MPS claims-made protection (Option 2).
There are significant differences between the two options and we want to help you make an informed decision. Both choices are underpinned by the flexibility of discretion. MPS protection can provide you with full protection against a claim. When we take on a member’s case we can take care of all the legal costs and compensation payments. Whilst many members will prefer the extra security of occurrence-based protection, we want to give members a choice of protection.
Rest assured, whichever choice you make you will continue to receive the high quality service, support and expertise for which MPS is renowned. This booklet explains the differences between the different types of protection and details the key features of claims-made protection.
You can access the PDF below to find out more about medical indemnity with MPS and the types of protection available.