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Medical school hero - medical student societies

18 July 2024

Robert Sithole, third-year medical student, shares his belief in the value of student societies and their positive impact on the journey of medical school as a whole.


Joining medical student societies during university can be a life-changing experience, offering many advantages beyond just studying. These societies provide a place for students to get involved in activities that complement their medical education, helping them grow personally and professionally.

One big benefit is the sense of community and belonging. Medical school can be tough and stressful, but being part of a student society means students can share their experiences, support each other, and make lasting friendships. This support network is crucial for staying motivated and feeling connected throughout the challenges of medical school.

Medical student societies also offer chances for professional growth. They organise events like guest talks, workshops, and seminars with experienced healthcare professionals. These events give students insights into different medical fields and help them decide what they want to specialise in. The societies also offer practical training in skills like stitching wounds, CPR, and clinical procedures, which are useful during hospital rotations and internships.

Networking is another big plus. Societies often partner with hospitals, clinics, and medical groups, giving students opportunities to meet and learn from professionals in the field. These connections can lead to mentorships, internships, and job opportunities. Networking within these societies also helps students learn about different career paths and research opportunities.

Being involved in medical student societies can also improve leadership and organisational skills. Many societies are run by students, who take on roles like president, treasurer, or event planner. Leading these groups teaches communication, teamwork, and problem solving skills that are important in any job. Organising events and managing teams also helps students develop planning and time management skills.

Plus, being active in societies looks great on a resume. Colleges and employers like to see students who are committed to their studies and are involved in their community. Being part of a medical student society shows dedication to the medical field, responsibility, and the ability to balance school with other activities.

Volunteering is another benefit. Many societies do community service and outreach projects. Helping out in these projects lets students give back to their community, learn about public health issues, and develop empathy and understanding. It also gives them practical experience working with diverse types of patients and healthcare challenges.

Societies also provide academic support. They offer study groups, peer tutoring, and exam review sessions to help students succeed in their classes. Getting help from peers can clarify tough concepts and boost academic performance, especially for new students adjusting to medical school.

Finally, joining a medical student society adds fun and relaxation to the demands of medical school. Societies often host social events, sports teams, and cultural activities that give students a break from studying and help them stay mentally healthy. Participating in these activities reduces stress and makes the medical school experience more enjoyable.

In summary, joining medical student societies offers many benefits that enrich the university experience. From building a sense of community and providing professional development to enhancing leadership skills and offering academic support, these societies play a vital role in helping students grow and succeed in medical school and beyond.


Robert Sithole


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