Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Time: 18.30 - 20.45 (Hong Kong time)
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Don't worry if you missed this year’s Spotlight on Risk Medicolegal and Ethics Conference, or attended and want to view the content again. We recorded the event, and it is available here for you to watch at your leisure.
The recorded conference focuses on the most important and current risks facing healthcare professionals today.
Our specialist speakers dig deep into their own professional experience to share essential information and offer practical tips to guide you through the potential hazards ahead.
Presentations include:
- Lessons from litigations and mediations in clinical negligence claims and criminal investigations
- Communication caveats in the digital era
- Partnering with Dr Google: The future of clinical practice in the AI-driven era
- Legal implications and considerations of AI: Who is ultimately responsible?