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What is the NHS Induction Programme?

Post date: 23/02/2023 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 24/02/2023

The National Induction programme has been designed to ensure that all international medical graduates (IMGs) recruited to the NHS are welcomed, valued, and supported as they transition to UK clinical practice. By Rob Hendry, Medical Director of Medical Protection. 


When starting any new job, the induction process is essential to help familiarise yourself with the organisation you’re joining, learn how things are done, and understand what your employer expects of you.

As someone coming to the UK to work in the NHS, an induction is especially important, as it helps you adapt to a new culture and a new country, as well as a new role.

To ensure you get your NHS career off to the best start possible, the NHS Induction Programme for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) has been developed with you in mind. Here’s everything you need to know.


What is the NHS Induction Programme for IMGs?

It’s a programme that’s designed to ensure all IMGs recruited by the NHS feel welcome, valued and supported in their transition to UK clinical practice. It’s made up of two parts:

  • An introductory elearning module, together with a range of supporting resources.
  • Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates Guidance, which sets out in detail the induction and support that NHS Trusts should provide.


Who is behind the programme?

The programme is delivered by elearning for healthcare and was created by a number of partners working collaboratively. These include the NHS – with input from a host of NHS departments – as well as the General Medical Council (GMC), British Medical Association (BMA) and Medical Protection.

All of these partners have shared their expertise to create a truly world-class induction experience.


What is the purpose of the Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates Guidance?

Its main purpose is to explain the importance of induction for new IMGs, and outline what NHS Trusts should provide in the areas of:

  • A welcome and pastoral induction
  • A professional practice induction
  • An IT and electronic patient record systems induction
  • A language and communication induction.

The guidance also includes additional information which is especially important for HR departments.


An introduction to the programme

An elearning module has been created to introduce you and your employers to the content of the Induction programme. It explains the different areas of support and resources that will be provided to overseas-trained doctors planning to take up posts in the NHS.

The session features IMGs currently working in the NHS. They’ve been in the position that you are now and share some of the challenges they faced in adjusting to life in the UK and to practising in a new healthcare system.

Throughout the session you’ll also receive expert advice from senior consultants and educators on the support you can expect to receive as you settle into your new life.


The learning objectives that the introduction session covers:

  • Recognise how a comprehensive induction for IMGs starting work in the NHS is essential for wellbeing, sense of inclusion and career, and to ensure safe patient care

  • Describe the information, resources and support IMGs can expect their Trust to offer them and their families, before and after they arrive in the UK
  • Consider the range of challenges that could arise for a doctor moving into a new linguistic, cultural, and professional environment
  • Reflect on personal and professional learning needs and identify ways to meet these
  • Where to find additional learning resources.


How to access the programme

All the information you need about the Induction programme can be found on the elearning for healthcare website. Here you can read more about the different elements, meet the team of experts who help deliver it, and find out how to register.



About the author

Rob Hendry is Medical Director at Medical Protection, working with members around the world. He has a particular interest in supporting doctors who move between different countries and has championed Medical Protection’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy.



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