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Casebook Vol. 20 no. 2 - May 2012

As this year marks 120 years since MPS was formed, we have provided an interesting account of our history. Coincidentally, this year also marks the 20th anniversary of Casebook, and in keeping with the Casebook style we have published some excerpts from cases that MPS has been involved in over the years.

The 20th anniversary of Casebook is particularly significant because it represents a milestone in terms of the breadth of risk management advice and support that MPS now provides for members. I touched on the success of this material in the September 2011 edition of Casebook, after a survey of our members found that Casebook continued to play a key role in the safe practice of healthcare.

The range of benefits on offer to members now covers workshops, E-learning, conferences and lectures, while our suite of publications continues to be targeted at more specific areas of the MPS membership. This means that we can tailor our updates and advice to ensure you receive news that is directly relevant to your field of practice. Reaching the 20th anniversary of publishing Casebook has reaffirmed to me the responsibility we have to protecting patient safety and in promoting effective risk management

The range of benefits on offer to members now covers workshops, E-learning, conferences and lectures
I hope that this is a timely example of our commitment to supporting and guiding you in whatever way we can. You can rest assured that we will continue to focus on ensuring our publications deliver medicolegal advice and support that is relevant, interesting and which you can rely on.

As ever, please get in touch with any comments or suggestions; your feedback helps to shape our service to you.

Dr Stephanie Bown
MPS Director of Policy and Communications

Disclaimer: Information in this issue was correct at the time of publishing (May 2014)